
Ten Ways To Entice People To Visit Your Website

ID: 44
Category: Internet Business - Website Promotion
Author: Support

Ten Ways To Entice People To Visit Your Website:
1. Permit people to subscribe to your e-zine free of charge. Since e-zines are common offerings, its critical that you include an additional benefit with the complimentary subscription. You could provide a free gift or publicity for those who subscribe.
2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more attractive to your visitors if its up-to-date or original. You could also offer people the option to reprint the content in their e-zine or web site.
3. Present an online information bank. You could fill the information bank with online books, publications, and sites. If people consider your information bank to be your directory to be a priceless tool they will drop in on the website again and again.

 4. Give your visitors a free ebook. You could also include your own ad in the ebook and allow other people to give it away. If you dont want to take the time to write one, you could ask other writers permission to use their articles.
5. Offer online lessons and educational events. They could be presented in a virtual setting. The thought of receiving up-to-date information will certainly lure people to your website. People will consider you specialist on the subject matter.
6. Give visitors a free entry into your contest or sweepstakes. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site to get the results.
7. Provide visitors the opportunity to obtain software programs for free. It could be complimentary software or software available on a trial basis. You cold even convert an area of your website into a free software index. If you are the owner of the software, add your advertisement and permit other people to pass it on for free.
8. Offer free online services or utilities from your web site. They could be search engine submitting, copy writing proofreading etc. The service or utility should be helpful to your target audience.
9. Provide complimentary consultation for those who visit your website. You could make your services available through e-mail or the telephone. Visitors to your website will view this as priceless because consultation charges can be costly.
10. Offer visitors to your website a complimentary membership to your online organization. Belonging to something is important to people. You could also provide items such as an online publication, free of charge to the members of your online organization.
Scott F. Geld serves as the V.P of Marketing for a href= http://www.MarketingBlaster.com Marketing Blaster /a . Feel free to contact him with any feedback or questions about this article: http://www.MarketingBlaster.com/contact.html Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.com

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